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Asset Management

What is Asset Management?

Using a strategic approach to managing housing assets of the organization which includes physical and financial. Ensuring that we meet key indicators of performance involving our properties, means we try to maximize the potential and effectiveness of our product stock. Which includes buildings, land, and infrastructure. To do this we work in concert with not only property managers, maintenance staff on site and their respective accounting teams. Also with other key stakeholders such as investors and outside vendors.
A few Key components of Asset Management are:

  • Capital Planning and Development
  • Compliance and Regulatory Oversite
  • Resident Satisfaction
  • Financial Management

The overarching goal of the Asset Management Team is to establish, maintain and ensure the long-term health and wealth of the product stock of the agency.

For more information or to contact someone in the Asset Management department, please email at:

Our Philosophy: To build sustainable economically inclusive communities with design and function that accentuates the Charlotte skyline.